Wow. Just looked at the date of my last post; I've been gone awhile! I'm back now and hopefully I'll be able to keep this up on a more regular basis. Let's see, what's been going on for the last few weeks.....

We did Warrior Dash last weekend. I was SO stressed out leading up to the event. I was just worried that I wouldn't be able to run it or I wouldn't be able to do all of the obstacles and just end up a big loser. I knew I couldn't back out either because my whole group of friends were doing it and that would make me a loser too. Damn it. Well, I ended up doing it and actually had a friggin' blast!! It was hard, but I did every single obstacle and finished the race. That was really my main goal. We started off jogging, but my lungs have been all buggered up since I got sick, so we ended up speed walking the majority of it. That worked out pretty well; about 1/3 of each wave walked it. The end of the race was tough - 3 obstacles right in a row. First we had to climb a giant cargo net wall, then leap over two fires and finally, slog through a mud pit under barbed wire. The mud was SO heavy; it was like cement. That last little bit pushed me over the edge and I threw up at the finish line. Awesome. We're going to do it again next year and we're dressing up!
News Article/Current Event -
- What the f*ck is wrong with teens these days?! - These kinds of stories are becoming all to common.
- "I made the wrong decision" - The prison system must be full of ignorant morons like this.
- Ironic, no? - Who'd have thought?
- Lamebook.... - Everything lame and funny, courtesy of Facebook.
- Lose a leg, gain a wheel! - Animals are so resilient!
Current Obsession - I'm not really obsessed with anything this week. I do need to schedule my small tattoo soon though. Once I had the idea, it's all I've been able to think about! I'm getting a small owl behind my left ear. Why? Because I want to. :P
Makeup Haul of the Week - I haven't added anything new to my collection other than a new razor comb. It's pretty awesome! I am currently on the hunt for the new Urban Decay 15th Anniversary eye shadow palette. I absolutely NEED it in my life, but it's sold out everywhere. It sold out only hours after it was released. Boo.
What I'm Looking Forward to in the Week Ahead - Not too sure what Friday and Sunday hold, but the plan for Saturday is a leisurely lunch at Snohomish Beer & Wine. They're having their 2nd grand opening and will be featuring a menu planned by our friend, Chris. It'll be a perfect day for outdoor seating seeing as the forecast calls for a high of 77! Of course, by the time Saturday actually rolls around, the forecast will have changed to rain and a high of 63. Stupid Washington weather - I HATE YOU!!
I just got a call from the City of Kirkland - looks like I'll be going in for an interview on the 27th. Hopefully I'll be a better interview this time around! I really, REALLY want this job!! Great pay and awesome benefits. Fingers crossed!
Weight Update - Unemployment is not doing a whole hell of a lot for my weight loss. In fact, I've gained 7 pounds. Time to get my fat ass back on the treadmill. No excuse, I'm home all day. Watching daytime TV and snacking is not the best plan.
Neato Quote of the Week - I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Texts From Last Night "Text of the Week" -
(315) Grilled cheese and whiskey for lunch is why I should NEVER be a housewife.
And Finally, My Gripe - No gripes this week besides the weather! I never, ever get tired of bitching about the weather around here. Oh, San Diego, you're looking better everyday.
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