
Friday, March 18, 2011

Sick People are EVERYWHERE!

Not too much to report on from the last couple of weeks. I spent the weekend before last taking care of a very sick Mario and then he turned around and spent last weekend taking care of a mildly sick me. He's now convinced that I've given the sickness back to him. Ugh. As a result of our combined illness and non-stop Jersey Shore watching, our house was a disaster and we had no clean laundry. Spent the week cleaning, sanitizing and doing laundry. I also dedicated quite a bit of time last week to bargain shopping at Value Village. I love, love, love it!! I found some pretty awesome everyday clothing as well as the most AMAZING outfit for our upcoming 80's party. We're going to head to the costume shop this weekend and get all the accessories for the finishing touch. Pictures coming soon!

Last Friday I managed to get out of the house and met up with Stacy at The Cheesecake Factory in Bellevue. I finally got to meet Tyler! He's so cute; you know, if you're into chubby guys that drool. And he's surprisingly quiet; just the way I like my babies. Ha! We had a great time just catching up and we'll definitely have to do it more often. She took a picture of me holding Tyler as proof that I like babies. I'm not convinced. LOL! I'm surprised I could even see him over all of my double chins. 

News Article/Current Event -

Current Obsession - JERSEY SHORE!!!!! I'm hooked. I friggin' hate the state of New Jersey with a passion, but I love this show!! It's a train wreck and I can't look away! Mario and I have now spent two FULL weekends watching this garbage and have now started working the lingo into our everyday conversations. And now we have the tivo set to record every episode. Will the Ronnie and Sam domestic violence saga ever end? Will Snooki ever find a juicehead gorilla to take home and smush? When will Pauly and Mike realize that their beer goggles are terrible and stop bringing home grenades and land mines?! So sad. 

Makeup Haul of the Week - 

What I'm Looking Forward to in the Week Ahead - 
We're heading up to Chris and Wendi's tonight (Friday) for hotluck! Hotluck is an annual event where every guest brings a spicy or "nicely seasoned" dish. Think jambalaya, bacon wrapped jalapeƱo poppers, spicy curry chicken divan and cheesecake with a raspberry-chipotle sauce. Beer and creamsicles are handy to cool the burn. I'm making this - Dae Ji Bool Gogi; except I'm using chicken drumsticks instead of pork roast. I think it'll be easier for people to eat that way. Going to be a great time as usual!

Saturday is shaping up to be an awesome day!! Andrea from Slave to the Needle called last weekend to let me know that she had a cancellation for Saturday. When I made the appointment she was booked so far out that I ended up with July 22nd. I took the opening and I'll be getting my leg/foot tattoo at noon! So excited!! After this one is done, I think I might have her start adding onto my back tattoo. I eventually want it to spread out across both shoulder blades. Tif and Wendi have taken to calling it my "upper back tramp stamp". Great. :)

Saturday night we're heading over to J R Phinickey's here in Monroe to see Justin Hale's Band play. I've never been to this bar, but I've heard things... should be camo and mullets as far as the eye can see! Sadly, we'll probably be the classiest ladies in that joint. 

Not sure what is going on Sunday yet. Mario has his VW XXX meet at 10am, but I'm not sure if I want to go to that with him or head out and work in the yard. It's supposed to be dry and as we all know around here, you have to take advantage of it! I managed to catch a break in the rain today and got the vegetable garden weeded and laid down steer manure and fertilizer. I wanted to get that all rototilled in, but the weather didn't want to cooperate. So, hopefully on Sunday I can get that done and the peas planted. 

Weight Update - The workout room is up and running, but I've just been holding steady for the past couple of weeks. I think between being sick and having so many evening errands to run, I just didn't work out enough to put a dent in it. On the bright side though, Tif joined Weight Watchers this week! I have a partner in crime! So excited!! We also have a top secret WW group on Facebook with a few of our other friends - we have meetings without actually having to go to a meeting. I love it!

Neato Quote of the Week - Many a person has held close, throughout their entire lives, two friends that always remained strange to one another, because one of them attracted by virtue of similarity, the other by difference. - Emil Ludwig

Texts From Last Night "Text of the Week" -
(573) I found them on a couch next to the sidewalk screaming at cars with a megaphone. Kevin chased the mailman with a jello shot.

And Finally, My Gripe - Nothing to gripe about this week!! Woohoo! Since I don't have a gripe this week, I'll post a highlight.
My sweet, sweet baby bird, Marvin. He's a momma's boy and I love him to pieces! Even though he's mostly a gremlin. How could you not love that face (a face covered in sloppy oatmeal)?!

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